Everything you always wanted to know.

A for fitting box

You can't decide between Suse and Pippa? You just don't know which color suits you best? Simply order a selection to your home. Find out how to do this here.

to the fitting box

B like spectacled snake

There is no such thing as a spectacled snake, but there are many other animals that are named after glasses, such as the spectacled bear or the spectacled duck. They usually have a certain coloring around their eyes that looks like glasses. Which spectacled animal do you like best?

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C like CR39

This is the material of your glasses lenses. Although they are called glasses lenses, they are made of plastic, or more precisely resin. It took 39 attempts to get it so clear and beautiful.

to the lenses

D like diopters

This is the unit in which you measure eyeglass lenses. Just like meters for distance or hours for time. Depending on whether there is a + or a - in front of the value, the lenses look completely different.

more about this in the FAQ

E for anti-reflective coating

A thin extra layer on your glasses that ensures that they reflect much less and usually have a slightly green shimmer. By the way: if you make this layer twice as thick, it will reflect very strongly. This is what you do with sports glasses or eye-catching sunglasses.

F for mantis shrimp

Mantis shrimps are also called that, so our Manni is of course also a mantis shrimp. Do you want to find out more about Manni and his gang? Then click here.

to the Mantis

G for Brain

Your brain actually does most of the work when you see. It can make unclear images clear, rotate images in the right direction and tell you what is farther away and what is closer. So a brain like that is pretty useful.

H like cornea

There is a very special skin in the front of your eye that has no blood vessels and is therefore completely transparent. This is very unusual, because otherwise almost everything in your body has blood flow, especially your skin.

I like Iris

This is the colored ring in the eye that you can see from the outside. The iris is a muscle that controls the amount of light that enters the eye. The color is usually inherited from the parents, but sometimes not. But it's always beautiful - just look closely!

J like Adjust

Your eye does a lot of adjusting every second. Can you look in a different direction in a flash or see clearly at any distance? The eye can do that! And most of the time you can still see something when it's very dark or very bright and a camera can't record anything at all.

K for plastic lenses

These are mostly used for glasses these days because they are lighter and more break-resistant than real glass. They are made of CR39 and are super clear. So it's not so bad if your glasses fall down, the plastic lens just won't break.

to the lenses

L like light

You need that to see anything at all. The light from the sun (or from your desk lamp) is white and therefore contains all the colors you can imagine. The light only becomes colored for you when it is reflected from a colorful object. Your eye can perceive this reflection and sees... a colorful object.

M like MANTI

The wonderfully colorful Mantis shrimp with its perfect eyes inspired us to create the MANTI MANTI glasses. Did you know that Manti is also a place in Utah in the USA and is also a speciality in Turkey? Fortunately, it is not our Manni that is served there, but rather delicious filled dumplings

N like Nasenfahrrad

A pretty old-fashioned word that nobody really uses anymore. Like Drahtesel. Or Dreikäsehoch. You want to know what all that means? Just ask the oldest person you know. But don't tell them that they are the oldest person you can think of... What old-fashioned words do you know?

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O like optician

To be more precise, they are called opticians, but who takes it that seriously? They are definitely real professionals who know how to make glasses and install lenses, and so they can help you see really well! By the way: professionals like these also work at MANTI MANTI.

P like PD

You've probably already guessed that PD is an abbreviation. This abbreviation stands for pupillary distance. This is a very important length on the face in order to correctly fit the lenses. You can find out how to measure PD here.

measure PD

Q like quartz sand

There is sand on almost every beach and almost all sand contains quartz and this quartz is extremely important for making glass! Today, however, it is only used for window panes because glasses are made of CR-39. It is simply lighter and safer.

R for Rainbow

A rainbow beautifully shows which colors are in white light. When the light is broken down by the raindrops, you can see the different colors. The order is always the same: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Of course, you can paint your rainbow as colorfully as you like.

S for squinting

You've probably heard it before: 'Stop squinting, otherwise your eyes will stay like that!' Well, we've done some research and can tell you: it's not true. So the next time you squint on purpose to scare someone, you can just explain that it's a very important eye exercise.

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T for squid

Theo is our totally awesome octopus with a thousand octopus arms and one of the best friends of Manni, our Mantis Shrimp. Would you like to find out more about our Mantis Gang? Click here.


U for UV rays

UV rays are a special but invisible type of light. These rays are what make your skin tan in the summer, for example. Just like your skin, you should also protect your eyes. In this case, it is better not to use sunscreen, but rather to use MANTI MANTI sunglasses.

V for packaging

Did you know that our packaging is extra sustainable? The padded cover of our fitting box is used again and again, so we don't need a new shipping box every time. In addition, our glasses cases are simply made of paper. This means you can paint them and we save a lot of plastic. Environmental protection and sustainability are particularly important to us.

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W for eyelashes

Eyelashes are a very special type of hair. They protect your eyes from dust and sweat and can act as a kind of sensor that triggers the reflex to close your eyes. Eyelashes have a lifespan of about 4 months. Then you can blow them away and make a wish!

x and y

Opticians call x & y two extremely important distances on glasses. They indicate where the point of best vision of the lens needs to be so that it is perfectly positioned in front of your eye. This makes vision particularly brilliant, clear and distinct.

Z like Lemon-eye-bird

The lemon-eye bird is our favorite spectacled animal. Not only is it small and pretty, it also lives where we would like to be right now, namely in warm Australia. Plus, its name sounds so wonderful, like refreshing lemon soda. And we love lemon soda!