This could move forward.
HUHU. This is us: Suse and Pippa, the two founders of MANTI MANTI. And our friends – the MANTIS.
We all think that good vision should be fun. Exciting. And above all, not harmful to the climate. That is why we founded MANTI MANTI – to transform children’s glasses from a dusty medical product into a cool, beautiful, sustainable and functional lifestyle product. Children love. And parents too.
Why are we called MANTI MANTI? Because the best-seeing creature on this planet is the Mantis Shrimp - and this little creature has some pretty amazing superpowers. If we were as strong as a Mantis Shrimp, we could throw a baseball into space. And because we are so fascinated by the underwater superhero, we have invented a whole team that is at our side and loves MANTI MANTI as much as we do.

Manni is a cool guy - but not exactly easy. He has incredible superpowers: He has up to 10,000 individual eyes, can see 16 colors instead of just 3 like we can - and he sees exactly what is going wrong in our world. And when he notices a problem again, he quickly becomes hot-headed, because his boxer friends are so strong that he can boil water with one blow - because the little air bubbles he creates are as hot as the surface of the sun. It's good that he has his friends by his side: With them he can get his anger management issue under control and come up with another solution, using his power as a deterrent at most.
A little headstrong, always a little excited and very curious. That's Ada. That's why she knows the most about the latest gossip from the ocean. She knows them all - from Alli Anglerfish to Zacharias Electric Eel - and she always knows exactly who to ask to find out important information to solve a case. But: Even if she likes to set the tone at first glance, she sometimes lacks courage. Because actually, her great joy in communication is her strategy for feeling safe and loved. When it comes down to it, she prefers to hold back and let the others see whether things could get dangerous.
Right at the front. That's Nova's favorite place. With her luminous threads she can make light even in the darkest corners of the ocean, so she dares to go anywhere. An adventurer like in a picture book: brave, always ready with a solution and never at a loss for a quick decision. And her luminous threads have another little special feature. They are electric - so it's no wonder that Nova keeps having the best flashes of inspiration: Bsssssst.
Theo Squid is extremely well organized. Time, weather, current, location and operational plan - Theo knows everything and is the computer brain of the group. He has everything under control. An underwater nerd through and through, whose greatest joy is researching everything and finding out even the most hidden information. It's good that he has 8 arms, because that means he can keep an eye on all the important tasks, the operations center and much more. And: Theo has a big heart. So if someone needs a listening ear and a bit of encouragement - an arm is always free for cuddling, a pat on the back and a hug.
Slow – only in her body. In her head, little Ivy is not only quick and clever, but above all she has a really good and dry sense of humour. That's why Ivy is popular throughout the ocean – because she makes everyone laugh and doesn't lose her sense of humour and wit even in hopeless situations. This in turn sometimes makes the others roll their eyes. Because little Ivy rarely recognises the seriousness of the situation.